William James Society Forums William James Forum Applied Philosophy Lyceum at MTSU-NOV 17

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    • #1444
      Avatar photoPhil Oliver

        If you’re near Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, consider joining us for Dr. Eric T. Weber’s timely address at 5 pm next Friday (11/17), COE (College of Education Building) 164… reception following.

        Freedom in Education:
        A Philosophical Critique of Current Conflicts in Educational Policy

        Parents and guardians are naturally concerned about what their children are taught in schools.
        Some lament what they feel is a lack of control over curricula and what are thought to be forces
        or agendas that they believe are not in kids’ best interests. The arguments advanced in recent
        conflicts take two main forms. The first, advanced in similar fashion on opposing sides of issues
        concerning gender and early education, takes the form of arguments to “protect” children. The
        second, typically arising in discourse about desire for exclusion or selection of curricular
        messages or content, typically focuses on parents’ rights, in particular to freedom of choice,
        whether regarding selection of schools, book banning, or inclusion or exclusion of desired or
        undesirable subject matters from curricula. In this paper, I will defend the importance of
        students’ and teachers’ freedom and challenge the overreach of dominant parental views that
        seek to silence the lived experiences and concerns of marginalized groups.

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