Reply To: The Jamesian Project & how it answers the question: What is Philosophy?

William James Society Forums William James Forum The Jamesian Project & how it answers the question: What is Philosophy? Reply To: The Jamesian Project & how it answers the question: What is Philosophy?

Avatar photoGary Jaron

    If I am right about my understanding and description of what James has been doing in his writing is what I call the Jamesian Project, then to understand William James don’t bother to read Richard M. Gale’s book: The Divided Self of Willam James. Gale completely doesn’t understand who James is and what James is doing. Gale in that book is completely and utterly wrong about James. Gale thinks that what James is doing is to understand himself. This is wrong, and thus Gale fails to understand William James.

    If am right about my understanding and description of what James is doing, if my description of the Jamesian Project is that James is seeking to uncover the varieties of human experience, then you do need to read Charlene Haddock Seigfried’s book: Willaim James’s Radical Reconstruction of Philosophy. Since she is describing correctly what James is doing.